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Schedule Migration Jobs

This feature provides the ability to setup migration activities on a scheduled basis which can be executed for a specific schedule job and the project as a background task.

To create a schedule job, navigate to the wizard in Solution Manager > Data Management > Data Migration Manager > Data Migration Manager Schedule Jobs > New Schedule Job.

Note: Before creating a schedule job, the Migration Project should be created with all the configurations including Migration Object Scope, Target Tables Scope, Legacy Data, Mappings, etc. which are required for the migration process.

Job Details - Select the migration project that has been already setup. Add Schedule Id and a Description.

Target Table Details - Add migration objects and target tables that are connected to the migration object to which the user wants to migrate data. The user has the option to select all the target tables or any target table that is associated with the selected migration object which will be populated with their sequence of execution after selection.

Job Setup - This requires selecting one or more target environments where the data will be deployed and choosing the following options:

  • Schedule Options

​ - Execute Multiple Legacy Loads - Whether to execute all the legacy loads or execute the locked load only.

​ - Deploy with/ without commit - Whether to deploy data with commit or without commit.

​ - Execute Post Deployment - Whether to execute post deployments. This can be carried out with the "Deploy With Commit" option only.

  • Process Stops After

​ - Stop After Input/Output - The user can choose whether to stop the execution after transferring to the input container or output container. If both are disabled, it will go until the deployment container.

Schedule - Execution can be planned as single or repetitive executions. The options are,

  • On a specific date and time
  • Execute within a given interval of time
  • Daily at a given time
  • On a selected date(s) of a week.

After clicking the Finish button, the user can see the details of the scheduled job by navigating into Solution Manager > Data Management > Data Migration Manager > Data Migration Manager Schedule Jobs > Scheduled Job.

Note: The "State" of the scheduled job will be changed to the "Active" state if there are no validation errors in the configured migration project. If the scheduled job is in the "Planning" state, the user can check the summarized log in the "Validation Info", rectify the validation issues, and make it into the "Active" state by clicking the Active button in the Scheduled Job detail page. If there are any validation errors, you cannot execute the scheduled job successfully and the background job status will go into the "Warning" state.

The created database task schedule for this scheduled job is listed under the Schedules list on the detail page. Upon selecting this and clicking View Details, you can navigate into this created database task schedule in Solution Manager > Background Processing > Scheduled Tasks > Database Task Schedule. You can click Run and then Execute the background job posted if you want to execute the scheduled job at present.

Refer to more information on Background Processing.

  • You can view the status of the background job by clicking View Background Jobs > Show Details of the background job. It will show the status for each target table and target environment. And "Last Info" field in the scheduled job detail will be updated with the status. If there are any errors in the execution, you will also see those in the status and the "Last Info".

Database task schedules associated with these scheduled Jobs will be created under the database task method "DAT_EXECUTION_PLAN_UTIL_API.START_SCHEDULED_JOB". By default, one database task schedule is created with the name "Execute Schedule Job: < PROJECT_ID > - < SCHEDULE_JOB_ID >" for a scheduled job. If you need to manually create another database task schedule for this scheduled job,

  1. Navigate to Solution Manager > Background Processing > Database Tasks > Database Task which has the method name "DAT_EXECUTION_PLAN_UTIL_API.START_SCHEDULED_JOB" and click Create New Schedule.
  2. Add the Project Id and Schedule Job Id of the scheduled job as parameters.

Note: Since there can be instances where users can manually create separate database task schedules for the same scheduled job, in such instances only one background job will be executed at a given time. It means when there is a background job executing for a project and the scheduled job, then any other jobs trying to execute for the same scheduled job at the same time will not process and go to a warning state.

  • All Data Migration Manager scheduled jobs can be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs view.

  • Details - Shows the details of the selected scheduled job(s).