Conditions are of two types. First, the Visible conditions control the visibility of the selected data. These are defined using the bottom part of the Conditions dialog. If the specified condition is true the data will be shown and hidden otherwise. The second type, that is the property conditions are shown in the upper half of the dialog and controls the different properties of the selected object.
For instance, if the above condition is added to the cells of the logical unit table the sample report would look like follows when formatted.
The form of the condition in this version of the tool is in raw XPath syntax. In other words you need to know a little bit about XPath syntax in order to be able to write these expressions. The following operators exists in addition to these operator there are a number of standard XSLT functions that can be used, like the position(), different sum-operations and so on.
Operator | Description |
and | Logical-and |
or | Logical-or |
not() | Negation |
= | Equality |
!= | Not equal |
< | Less than |
< = | Less than or equal |
> | Greater than |
> = | Greater than or equal |
In your condition you will probably want to compare values from fields in the report. You can find the syntax and names for references by looking at the bottom box in the Edit dialog of a field.
Example of a reference:
Example of a condition:
tns:PRICE > 100
Conditions can be set on cells, rows, tables or block containers. An object can contain several conditions. Furthermore, it is possible to control several properties with the same condition as well. See below.
As shown above the conditions are set on a table cell object and comprises of two separate conditions. Each condition is described using an Expression. The first condition controls multiple properties. Namely background color, font style and border style. The second condition controls a single Line wrapping property. Additional properties and conditions can be further added using Add new condition and Add Property functions.
When a condition has been added to an object, it is indicated by a label named as ‘C’ on the layouts corresponding object. A condition placed on a cell is indicated by a label (C) on the upper left corner of that cell. If you look below, you will see that the table cell containing the field modulehas a condition.
A condition placed on a table row is indicated by a label placed on the bottom right hand corner of the row.
A condition placed on a table is shown by a label along side the table name. See below.