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Deploy latest security patches

The latest available security patches are bundled into each delivery from Build Place and no additional Middle Tier security patching is required.

The middle tier containers can also be security patched without a delivery from the Build Place. If no deliveries has been applied in a long time, it is recommended to apply latest security patches to keep the IFS Cloud system secure. If a high security vulnerability is found that needs immediate correction to be deployed, it is possible to do an out of band delivery of the Middle Tier containers. If an urgent security patch needs to be applied, IFS will officially communicate what security patches and version to apply.

Follow these steps:

  • Check if the installed Middle Tier is an older version than the latest release by IFS. The Middle Tier (Framework service update) version can be found in the IFS Client, in account settings for the user or else in the global.helmChartVersion from the latest delivery log.
  • Create a new delivery folder including a copy of an ifsinstaller and ifsinstallerupdater folders from the latest delivery.
  • Download the latest installer that holds references to the patched containers using the ifsinstallerupdater.
  • Verify in the updater log that the new Middle Tier version was downloaded.
  • Deploy the new Middle Tier containers using the newly downloaded ifsinstaller.
  • Verify in the installer log that the new Middle tier version is applied.
Example in a remote file structure on a windows server:
    cmd> cd c:\ifsroot\deliveries
    cmd> mkdir hotfix-delivery-Aug23
    cmd> cd hotfix-delivery-Aug23
    cmd> copy /s ..\delivery-XYZ\ifsinstaller .
    cmd> copy /s ..\delivery-XYZ\ifsinstallerupdater .
    cmd> cd ifsinstallerupdater
    cmd> .\ifsinstallerupdater.cmd
         (read the console that the downloaded version correspond to the by IFS communitacted version )
    cmd> cd ..\ifsinstaller
    cmd> .\installer.cmd
    cmd> notepad ..\..\..\logs\ifscloudinstaller\IfsInstallerLogger.log.0

More info on tool details here IFS Cloud Installer and IFS Cloud Installer Updater

NOTE: If not all parameters are defined in ifscloud-values.yaml these needs to be added to the installer command in the example above. All the parameters that was used when installing middle-tier and the DB deployment are required also in middle tier security patch deliveries. If parameters are absent the system will be configured without these values resulting in a system that is unintentionally reconfigured.