IFS Cloud Mobile Apps¶
IFS Cloud Mobile applications refer to the suite of mobile applications for IFS Cloud, running natively on the mobile devices. The mobile apps are distributed through the official stores for the main different platforms in use.
In order to install a mobile app you need to fetch the app through the standard channels for the different platforms:
For Android devices, Google Play Store
For iOS devices, Apple App Store
For Windows devices, Windows Store
Installation is basically out of the box, as you only need to search the Store for the mobile app and download it to the device in order to the install it.
In order to log in to an mobile app on a device, you need to specify
- the Server-URL relevant for the IFS Cloud installation
- user name and password
To acquire the Server-URL, please contact your organization's IFS administrator.
Setting up mobile app for the first time¶
If this is the first time an mobile app is being configured for the environment, there are few things that need to be checked on to ensure smooth operations.
Setting up the environment¶
Mobile apps cannot communicate with the server unless the server URL is externally accessible. To setup and acquire the Server URL, please contact your organization's IFS Administrator
Security certificates & Servers¶
In situations where IFS Cloud server and/or the Open ID authentication provider will be deployed using a SSL certificate that is not issued by a well-known certificate authority (e.g. : self-signed SSL certificates), it may become necessary to install such certificates used by the Identity Provider Server onto the devices running the mobile apps. In some cases, it may be necessary to install the complete certificate chain. Certificate trust varies on different mobile OS versions and also depends on the level of security enforced by each mobile platform.
Please note that for mobile apps to work properly, the Middleware server(MWS) needs to have the fully qualified certificate chain. The root certificate and the intermediate certificate need to be linked. If there are any servers in between (proxy server, load balancer, etc. ), these servers are also expected to have the fully qualified certificate chain.
Related Documents
- Authentication configurations
- How to access IFS Cloud from the Internet
Setting up Mobile App IAM Clients¶
The IFS Identity and Access Manager (IFS IAM) handles user authentication in IFS Cloud. In order for users to authenticate on the mobile apps, the Identity Provider must also include configurations for mobile apps.
Register Client ID¶
Mobile apps need to be registered as a separate client. It is done automatically, but if this is the first time mobile apps are being used on the environment, ensure the following client IDs are registered and enabled.
Client IDs to be enabled:
- IFS_aurena_native
- IFS_aurena_native_services
Refer page to add a custom IAM client Custom Client.
Register Redirect URI for the app¶
Each mobile app that supports OpenID Connect authentication, requires its own Redirect URI to be configured in the Identity Provider. Under the mobile Client ID, IFS_aurena_native, the Redirect URI for the mobile app should be registered.
The Redirect URI typically follows the format of ifs-ifs#uniqueAppName#://auth, and can be found on its relevant page under IFS Cloud Mobile Business Apps.
User Permissions¶
Mobile app users must also have access to the functional role permission set MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME to be able to logon to mobile apps.
Setting up Push Notification Hub¶
Each app requires its own Notification Hub if it supports push. Customers can share a Notification Hub with other customers or create their own. If they create their own, they will need to know the registration details for the app on all device platforms that they wish to use. Some of this registration information is sensitive information (passwords, secret keys).
The Notification Hub connection details need to be setup in the IFS Cloud database. The connection string is sensitive information. Configure Push Notification Hub settings in Application Parameters. See also Troubleshooting Push
You need to contact IFS in order to get the Push Notification Hub to be set up.
Production environments restrict all outgoing calls except for IFS approved url's. For push notifications to work, backend should be able to communicate with Azure service bus. Depending on the app you are running there can be several servicebus.
Example: mWorkOrder.servicebus.windows.net for Mobile Work Order
Configuring mobile app for Basic Usage¶
Each mobile app can require additional configurations in order to optimize the data loading times, and the overall performance of the app.
Based on the business requirement of the app, the following can be considered as examples of such configurations, and are not limited to the following:
- define which fields to be synced and displayed in the app
- how often data should be synchronized to the device
- type of data to push to the device
- how often to push data to the device
- data type formats, e.g. date time formats, etc.
Further reading about the installation of a specific mobile app is explained in IFS Cloud Mobile Business Apps and the applicable release notes for that mobile app.
The apps are upgraded in the same fashion a any other apps on your device, when a new version is available in the different stories.
When upgrading to a new IFS Cloud main release, you should make sure that the latest app client is installed on the devices before the upgrade is done on the server side. This because IFS cannot always guarantee forward compatibility on the apps, but we do guarantee backwards compatibility.